Research-To-Practice Brief

OFA “Roadmap” Series: Physically Distant, but Socially Connected: Understanding Different Modes of Connection

Supported by the Office of Family Assistance’s Peer Technical Assistance (PeerTA), the Roadmap Series highlights responsive leadership and management practices to support the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) agencies and their partners in adapting to new ways of work and connection amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Social or physical distancing during the pandemic has raised the likelihood that individuals may encounter feelings of isolation, disconnection, and loneliness. To combat these experiences, this OFA PeerTA resource offers TANF agencies and partners insights and practical tips to cultivate modes of connection using technology, community-mindedness, and media. Practices include using technology in new ways to create external connections; engaging with the world through media (such as television, movies, and social media); and creating shared meaning with community to feel internally connected.

TANF Program Administration
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PeerTA Resources (OFA Initiatives)
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