Research-To-Practice Brief

Positive Outcomes for Victims of Domestic Violence and Families through Housing First Pilot Program

Research shows a strong correlation between domestic violence and homelessness. One study found that at least one in four women were homeless as a result of domestic violence. In 2009, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence (WSCADV) launched a five-year pilot program testing a survivor-centric Housing First approach to preventing homelessness for domestic violence survivors and their families. The Domestic Violence Housing First (DVHF) pilot was structured around the following tenets: survivor-driven advocacy, community engagement, housing stability, and flexible financial assistance. This blog shows that of the initial DVHF participants, 96% remain stably housed after 18 months, and 84% of survivors reported an increase in safety for themselves and their families.
Partner Resources
Supportive Services
Housing Assistance
Special Populations
Domestic Violence Survivors
Publication Date