Appendix 5

Office location and appearance:

  • How accessible is this location? Are the hours appropriate?
  • How do staff/clients access the office, and is parking or public transportation readily available?
  • Does the office look cheerful, well-lit, and professional?
  • Does the office seem appropriately arranged for the work that is conducted?
  • How well are the facilities maintained? Are bathrooms clean and well supplied, and do the grounds look safe and inviting? Is there a security policy in place?

Office location/arrangement with respect to clients:

  • Is the location of the office well placed to service their target clients?
  • Is the building accessible to individuals with physical disabilities?
  • Is the signage appropriate to individuals with learning disabilities or low literacy?
  • Is there visible evidence of what strategies are used to engage clients with limited English proficiency/foreign language learners/clients who are not fluent in English?
  • Is the office arranged such that it affords clients with some element of privacy?

Staff behavior:

  • Are staff professionally dressed and do they maintain business conduct?
  • Does the staff seem enthusiastic and knowledgeable, asking questions that stimulate thought and answering questions directly?
  • How do staff speak to one another - is the tone respectful and positive?
  • Does the director seem confident and interested in interacting with staff, clients, and other stakeholders?

Staff activity:

  • How are staff motivated - does the organization demonstrate/document/display successes (wall of fame, celebration/graduation party)?
  • What kinds of resources/supports are available to staff?
  • How is communication/collaboration facilitated? Is there a staff lounge/meeting room where staff can share ideas and post information to the group?
  • Is there a master calendar (handout, wall calendar) listing all activities (across programs and services)?
  • How does this office support staff who have conflicts or difficulties inside or outside of their scope of work?
  • What professional development opportunities do staff have?

General thoughts:

  • Does this organization have a particular philosophy or mission? Is it visible?
  • How many people enter and exit the building per hour? Are these individuals greeted and assisted immediately? Or, are they kept waiting? Does the office have the capacity to handle their client base?
  • How do clients behave upon entrance into the building - is their manner respectful?
  • How is technology used to support office activities?
  • Do clients have access to the technology (computers, copiers, phones) - what is the office policy on client use?
  • Is there evidence of other programs/partnership organizations that might further assist clients in achieving self-sufficiency?
  • Are staff from partner agencies/other programs co-located at the site? What is the seating arrangement if they are co-located (separate areas, blended together)?
  • Are there brochures or materials that provide information about the services and programs offered?
  • Are there supportive services available (transportation subsidy, food, cash, clothing)?